ATMAN is the spirit and the soul is us. Atman is the inner Master and the soul the disciple. The soul came to life to learn the process of achieving spiritual perfection. Perfection is obtained when the soul becomes one with Atman.
Atman has a peculiar language not understood by the human mind. That is the reason of myths, parables and symbols around the world.
When regular humans want to know about Atman, usually is is because they want something from him. Regular human beings are full of egotism, therefore they think first on them, in second place they think of themselves and in third place they think about themselves. They just care about their life, ‘their” family, “their properties and so on.
We came to life to learn to share, to live helping each other. In the GOLDEN AGE things were totally different. People were so happy and they were living in harmony. They had contact with ATMAN. When those humans disobeyed the cosmic commands they were expel out from the golden age; the contact with Atman was not direct, but wise men kept the contact with him. Then the SILVER AGE started. People developed the “MINE” factor or the egotism. Nevertheless, in the beginning it was not as much as it is now. When the CUPPER AGE came then humans started wars and fighting for material thing: Women, properties, kingdoms, power, etc. Finally we are in the IRON AGE. Now there is not respect for nothing. Our contact with Atman is lost and wise men are gone! NOW WE ARE ALONE BEACAUSE WE DID NOT APPRECITE WISEDOM. NOW YOU HAVE TO FIGHT TO GET IT BACK!
Please, check THE FOUR UGAS to know more about these four ages.
Atman is, deep down within our heart, waiting for us. Do you remember Merlin in the great movie EXCALIBUR? Well, Merlin represents Atman. As Arthur had dreams of him to get his guide, now we are in the same position. DREAMS HAVE THE LEANGUAHJE OF ATMAN! Not all dreams, of course…
The time has come where humans must return to the Golden Age. But not all humans will do that. We will have many years of transition from the Iron Age to the Golden Age. We will have years of pain to make people reflect on their lives. The new age will not come just as a magic act; rather it will come out from the pain of the ignorant! Ignorant are those who do not understand beyond their nose; those who thinks on themselves all the time and forget to give a hand to other beings.
Mayas never said the world would come to an end, but they never said the Golden Age would start in 2012 either. Many people think the Golden Age would come out of nothing, but form nothing only one thing could come out: NOTHING.
Whoever wants a Golden Age, where Atman will guide the human kind, must learn to act beyond the limits of “MINE.”
Atman is perfection, love, freedom, peace, happiness beyond the limits of concepts and the mind! Atman is reality beyond the space-time machine “known” by scientist. ATMAN IS BEYOND ALL CONCEPTS, BEYOND TIEM AND SPACE! Everything else is MAYA (Illusion). He is our inner truth, the inner Master. ATMAN IS THE LIGHT OF THE LIGHTS!
He is the Father who is in secrecy as Jesus named him when he said: BE PERFECT AS YOUR FATHER WHO IS IN SECRECY IS PERFECT!